Thursday, January 29, 2009


It's happening like it did after the rash of the market at the beginning of the last century. People are taking their lives because their companies are failing, because they lose their jobs or their feeling of power. There was a family where both parents lost their jobs and so they decided to kill their children and themselves. The youngest child was only two years old. Peronally, i believe incidents like this to be crazy. Times like this make or break people and I am not one to break under pressure. You either step up to make times like this to work for yourself or you wait it out. If anyone really knows, The Great Depression sparked a good amount of entrepreneurship. A real strong, inventive person would know that now is the time to appeal to the things that people truly need and supply it at a good price. It's utterly foolish to kill yourself when the door of opportunity opens wide before you.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Ten or more years ago the UFC was a dying empire. The fighters were unknown, the rules were non existent, the sport was banned in many states and most channels wouldn't air any of the events. It was called brutal, barbaric. McCain homself called it human cock fighting. Still today brands like TapOut are looking to bacome billion dollar companies within the next two years. Today the world of MMA is growing. Learning various martial art forms and competing is something that interests many men- and women. Some people still think it's brutal, though they've instated rules. As a fighter, however, it is nothing more than an athletic competion that has more pride than a footbal ring, a tennis or hockey cup because it's just you. No one, except maybe your trainer, makes you the man you are when you show your strength nd skill over the next man. It's all your own blood, sweat and bruises. Monks compete in competition, they train and fight - granted in a different way - but fighting is just a sport. Now that they've put rules and regulations, now that they've promoted the fighters rather than just the blood of the sport people have taken more notice and liking to what was once a dying game. Young men compete against eachother to receive the honor of a contract and a title championship. They want to be remembered as the greatest. Bruce Lee, Muhammad Ali - we look up to men like this and thrive to prove that we may even be better than them - in time. When a fighter steps into the ring it's not about beating the crap out of your competition, but proving your own worth. Most sports have some level of brutality to it, but fighting gives a person more fulfillment. It's a personal glory you get when you win a fight. Bruises and bones heal but a champion is forever.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Unknown

I watch plenty documentaries and read enough articles to know that we as a people know very, very little. The kraken as it's called in Pirates of the Carribbean was known in past times a mythical character.But, with recent discoveries the idea of giant and strange sea creatures are more and more probable. Giant squids have been discovered in Japan - a baby in fact that was 25 feet long. The fish found off the coast of Madascar was deemed extinct, and there was a discovery of that as well as another "dinosaur" shark. Not only are things we thought long gone coming "back" into our world, but also things we thought were only legend. Considering we know as much about the ocean depths as we know about outer space...we've got alot of exploring to do.When the technology is developed to send people into the unbelievable pressure of the ocean I will be there,ready to discovery the new creatures and maybe even worlds beneath sea.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


They say that the reason for man making music is unknown. Maybe it was originally to communicate with one another, maybe it is purely for pleasure. The beat of drums and flow of pipes are the oldest sounds, but why did we make them? Unlike language we cannot communicate specifically what we want to say, but we all know what music does for us. Music has the power to change or strengthen whatever mood you're in. Shakespeare wrote "If music be the language of love..." (or something like that) in Twelfth Night showing its connection to emotions. Even fighters choose particular songs to play for their grand entrances into the ring. Usually those songs boast strength and power and include heavy bass or guitar- sounds we usually accredit to masculinity. Music even has the power to define our social groups in highschool - the techno druggies, the emo loners, the hiphop gangsters etc, etc. Nothing in the world has power over us like music does...I just want to know why? Even when I train as a fighter I stick to music from groups like Tool, or Dead Prez because it gives me an adreneline rush. I really think its interesting that music can help you define who you are.